more delicious than spam & better for you: kennedy's notes on food, books, film, life, death, beasts, and the heft of this half-full glass
Monday, November 16, 2009
do you got a fast car?
I fought the law and the law demolished me. Six tickets later, I have officially handed over enough of my income to have covered all expenses to Thailand for a two-week luxe venture. Easily.
Kennedy contributes regularly to Library Journal and has work published or forthcoming in The San Francisco Chronicle,The East Bay Monthly, Prairie Schooner, and Kitchen Sink Magazine. She's got a BA in English Literature from Georgetown University and an MFA in Writing and Literature from Bennington College. Amy Hempel called her reviews the best nonfiction she'd seen at Bennington and Sven Birkerts wrote of her work, “When there is attention like this, the game seems worth playing.”